12/20/2023 0 Comments Courage, Rhetoric and Speech!![]() This winter/spring semester we are delighted to offer you two classes which can be taken for high school credit or in one case for enrichment in Christian community. The first is Introduction to Public Speaking, commonly referred to as speech, using a well-known and trusted IEW curriculum as our guide. This class is being offered by Mrs. Jessica Dorn, homeschooling parent of four who participated in seven years of competitive speaking at the high school and college levels and majored in Speech and English. Students will need the Student packet ($25) found here: https://iew.com/shop/products/introduction-public-speaking-binder-student-packet and the Portable walls ($9), found here: https://iew.com/shop/products/portable-walls-public-speaker (Note: This class cannot be audited due to the necessity of giving speeches and receiving instructor feedback.) A new class offered this year is from popular local homeschool teacher Mr. Aaron Grant: Courage and Classical Rhetoric. The class will become familiar with Aristotle’s Rhetoric delivered in class and Holy scripture--uncovering the nature of man and the beginning of wisdom. The goal of the instructor is to have the student use this knowledge in their own interpersonal experiences and to present Christianity in simple terms known as the Gospel. The class will then turn to the tragedy of Socrates and Socratic thought. The inclinations of man to fatalism and tyranny are discussed with real class participation. Sharing arguments for the truth will lead us to consider Japanese Bushido and the concept of tyranny and justice through the eyes of some of the greatest warriors and statesmen of our time. By the end of the class, your student will have the confidence to speak truth by hearkening back to some of the finest classical and modern examples of ethics of our time in a lively setting with a seasoned instructor and homeschool father. Required Texts: -The Holy Bible (KJV or NKJV) -The Last Days of Socrates (Plato) -Profiles in Courage (John F. Kennedy) -Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai. Translated by William Wilson (Yamamoto Tsunemoto) This class can be audited by students and parents alike for $100 per person or $200 per family. Parents of enrolled students are always welcome (and encouraged) in any Prairie Scholé classes free of charge. The cost for each class is $150 per student with a $400 family max. For example, if you have several students who would like to take one or two of these two classes, you will not have to pay more than $400 for the semester for these two classes. Payment can be made in two payments in January and February upon request. If you have an earnest desire to participate and the cost is a burden please speak with the director! One position per class is available for 25% reduced cost to a parent who stays to assist with classroom management and agrees to be the designated sub. Why do we charge for classes and registration? Like an online class (but better because we meet in person!) these are different than traditional cooperative classes because the work is graded. Everyone's time is valuable, but a high school teacher's commitment to their class is of special value to homeschooling families because it shares the challenge of evaluating and grading student work. Registration fees are kept as modest as possible and also help cover the significant cost of insurance, curriculum, equipment, supplies, and financial gift to the church for the very generous use of their space, which must be maintained. (For example, the speech curriculum for both the teacher/student is $169 alone, making this cost an excellent value.) Each class works out to just $10 per week. We also believe that some classes are especially beneficial when taught in a community of like minded and faithful friends. Specs:
11/13/2023 0 Comments Revisiting Classical Education
Though I've been aiming at a classical Christian education for well over a decade, I'm never bored, and I'm frequently encouraged, when I hear great men and women answer the question, What IS classical education?
Thanks to our partnership with Classical Academic Press, we're delighted to offer a series of posts from their new, FREE venture: ParentU. If you're a Silver Member, you can access all the ParentU classes through ClassicalU. Otherwise we'll post a selection of them here. They're short and edifying and are highly recommended for scholé families. ![]() Are you looking for a credited civics class for your 10th through 12 grader?* Prairie Scholé is offering a stimulating class with plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate." Offered by veteran homeschooler and instructor Dara Ekanger, and a perfect follow up to American Government, Constitutional Literacy will delve into details of the Supreme Court cases that have shaped our nation. In addition the class will learn important legal terminology (such as Supremacy Clause, de jure, Original Intent, Establishment Clause, Lemon Test, Conflict of Laws, etc.) that will enable them to become participatory citizens in our country. The class will also examine current cases pending before the Court and discuss how the Court's decisions have and will impact their lives. Specs:
HSLDA offers this class online for $379 for HSLDA Members / $429 for non-members, making this in-person learning experience a true value. Plus, *you* don't have to buy the DVDs! If the cost is a hardship, please contact our director Katy Schaff. *Ninth graders can participate based on a parents' discretion, but there will be several hours of work on average outside of class. 8/31/2022 0 Comments What is commonplacing?There are many fine definitions of a commonplace book. I like the word "repository." It is a curated collection and you, oh joy!, are the curator. In your own, perhaps carefully chosen notebook, you record words phrases, maybe even whole paragraphs that have leapt out of mouths or pages and grabbed you. It is a repository of moments, images or word pictures that you don't want to forget. Sometimes you're not sure why they've seized you, but you feel yourself being nudged to remember.
Beginning September 2022 Prairie Scholé students from middle school to high school are asked to bring a commonplace book to classes. Here they can record prayers, Bible verses, Latin phrases, "a-ha moments" from teachers or classroom discussions, or even sketch. We're beginning to incorporate this practice now so we can enjoy the fruit our labors years down the road. Here are some resources you might enjoy investigating. The Common Place Book Project is self described as an informalities and scholarly resource for writing, teaching, collecting and studying commonplace books. Be sure to check out Lewis Carroll's stunning commonplace book The Gentleman Stationer on commonplacing John Milton's Commonplace Book 6/23/2022 0 Comments Early bird enrollment is open!Physical science, Latin, Shakespeare, Art, Botany and so much more. We're very excited about the 2022-2023 academic year. Enrollment is open and early bird registration is discounted until July 13. Click on Enrollment to start the process or message us with questions any time.
6/12/2022 0 Comments Enrollment Opens June 13!We are deep in the planning process for the 2022-2023 academic year. We continue to pursue outstanding opportunities to learn in the classical tradition on the Northern Plains while growing in togetherness.
Recurring classes include Latin instruction across all levels in the morning and theater arts in the afternoon. New classes include: Physical Science for middle school, Botany for Beginners for upper elementary and science experiments for our 1st-3rd graders. An IEW writing course for junior high students is a new addition this year; we don't have space for this on Fridays so it will likely be Wednesday afternoons. I'm willing to teach Writing Tales to elementary students at the same time if there is sufficient interest. |
Katy Schaff is the owner/director of Prairie Scholé Homeschool Co-op.Katy is a second-generation homeschooler and by her own admission "not very good at it." A desire for regular, holy interaction with other homeschoolers; to grow in restful, classical education; and to encourage her children to learn how to learn in community, especially from other parents--these all played a part in bringing Prairie Scholé to fruition. Archives
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